Joseph J. Jacubic
Post #572
"For God and Country"
6483 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
Post (440) 845-0572                      Hall Rental (440) 845-6599
Legion of Honor
Knight, The National Order of The Legion of Honor
was presented by the Honorary Consul of France Stephen "Josh" Knerly
representing The Republic of France to  
George Lizanich
for his actions to liberate France while serving in the 66th Division
in Northern France  December 1944 to May 1945
Ceremony was conducted at Post 572 on December 8, 2014
George wanted to thank his family and friends, The American Legion and The Joseph J. Jacubic Post 572 as well as
The Honorary Consul of France Stephen Knerly and Pascale Furlong of the Consulat General De France A Chicago

George feels that this medal was not just presented to him but also to his buddies who did not come home.

To view article, slide show and video on George at click on link below:
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