6483 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
Welcome to
Joseph J. Jacubic
Post #572
"For God and Country"
Post Newsletter
“For God and Country”
The American Legion, Joseph J. Jacubic Post 572
6483 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134

Commander- Erich Pfleaidermahnn, 1st Vice Commander-Tom Thompson
2nd Vice Commander-Chris Stahurski, Chaplain-Jim Leggott
Service Officer-Thomas White, Adjutant-Mike Burk

Post Home: (440) 845-0572                  Web Site alpost572.0rg                     Hall Rental (440) 845-6599
Email: alpost572@yahoo.com or alposthall572@yahoo.com


Commander’s Comments:

 June has been a busy month for the post. We had the push to sell out the Gun Raffle, and the American Legion Riders Pig Roast. Both events are now Sold Out. Thank you to all the volunteers who sold tickets and volunteered to ensure a successful end. The first Pork Chop dinner was held and sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans and the Post. The dinner will be held once a month at the Post. - The 4th of July Parma Parade is all set. John Rader, Sargant of the Color Guard, has been busy coordinating with parade officials, members and a lineup of military vehicles that will be used for members to ride in down the parade route. Thank you, John Rader. - The 4th of July is a time to gather family and friends and enjoy the day of grilling, eating and drinking. Please don’t drink and drive during the holidays. The abundance of firework sales is amazing, and the dangers associated with drinking and lighting them is equally high. Please use your best judgment when using fireworks!  Enjoy the holiday and keep safety front and center. - Welcome to all of our new members and their families. We look forward to seeing you at post functions or even volunteering! - *** Just a quick reminder The Post will be closed in observance of the 4th of July holiday*** Regular business hours will resume 5 July 2024. For God & Country, Erich Pfleaidermahnn, Commander


1st Vice Commander’s Comments: Good Morning and Happy Summer! Membership renewals for 2024 are completed. July starts up our 2025 Membership Drive. It’s time to do it all over again.


American Legion multiyear membership is here. Let’s look into this to save you money. Eliminate the yearly hassle of remembering to renew your American Legion membership by taking advantage of the new multiyear membership available to current and potential members. Legionnaires needing to renew for 2024 or veterans joining the organization for


the firsttime can lock-in a three-year membership by visiting legion.org/renew or legion.org/join. - A multiyear membership was approved by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion during the organization’s Spring Meetings last May.  


Resolution 1: Purchase of Multiple Years of Membership approves “a five-year pilot program offering the purchase of three consecutive 12-month member terms at the then current dues rate.”

Here is what you need to know about the three-year membership:

- Multiyear membership sign-up is only available on the national American Legion website. Current or potential members cannot renew or join for a three-year membership at the post level or through MyLegion.org.

- Renew now with a three-year membership by visiting legion.org/renew.

- Join now with a three-year membership by visiting www.legion.org/join.

- Legionnaires already renewed for 2024 will soon be able to renew under the multi-year membership starting with the 2025 membership year.

- Payment for the three-year membership will be upfront.

- There is not a discounted rate with the three-year membership.

- Membership cards will still be sent annually by Legion posts.

- Those who sign up for a multiyear membership will not receive a renewal notice during the time they have signed up for the multiyear membership. Please note that the multiyear membership will work just like PUFL. Whatever rate the member renews at is the what the post/department/national will receive for the duration of that timeframe. For example, if a member renews today (before national per-capita $5 dues increase come July 1, 2024), National will receive $18.50 for the next three years. Let’s say the department’s per capita is currently $10 and is going to raise to $15 come July 1, 2024. The department will receive the $10 for the next three years. Once the member renews after the three-year renewal is up, the renewal rate will adjust to the rate at that time. For God and Country,

Tom Thompson, 1st Vice Commander


2nd Vice Commander’s Comments: Due to a low number of registrations for the planned 

Family Fun Day Sunday July 21st, the event has been canceled. I would like to thank those who did register and those who signed up to volunteer to help work the event: Betty Dukes, Tracy Draudt, Patty Larson, Julie Ferrara, Sherry & Chuck Cashin, Nanci Sawulski, Amber Simon, Jeanne Kellog, Shirley VanNiel and Commander Pfleaidermahnn. Watch for news on a Post Member Appreciation Day in the future. Chris Stahurski, 2nd Vice Commander

Adjutants Comments: Congratulations to our First Vice Commander, Tom Thompson. Tom was named the “Knight of the Year” by the Knights of Columbus, Garfield Heights Council 4130. For his “Outstanding Service, Loyalty and Devotion”. All this in addition to the work he does for our Post. His dedication to our Post includes being First Vice Commander, Membership Chairman, and Gun Raffle Chairman. He also assists with our security systems including distributing key fobs, controlling door access, updates to the security camera system and more.  – Our gratitude to Mark Hupcey for the completion and installation of our Post memorial monument at the Western Reserve National Cemetery in Ritman. Mark has worked for months with Milano Monuments and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Mark has worked through multiple regulations, different departments and many officials of the VA and cemetery to complete this project. Watch out for the future date when we will dedicate this monument. Mike Burk, Adjutant


Chaplin’s Corner: Happy Independence Day! Please attend a worship service and give thanks for our country and all those men and women who defended and still do. If you like fireworks please go to a public display, you will see a more spectacular display and there will be less chance of getting injured. - Other dates to remember in July, the U.S. Army Air Corps was established on July 2nd., 1926, National Hire a Veteran Day is the 25th., and National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day is the 27th. Thank you all and God Bless America! Jim Leggott, Chaplin

Color Guard Update: Our Guard participated in the graduation ceremony at the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, Veterans Treatment Court honoring the Veterans who completed this difficult program. - The Guard marched in Parma’s Fourth of July parade, welcoming members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Polish Legion of American Veterans and the Ukrainian American Veterans who joined with our Guard leading the parade.

 American Legion Riders: The Riders held a successful “bike night” at our Post. They also conducted the USS Cod Poker Run and Pig Roast which was sold out. Watch for the upcoming “22 a Day” Benefit Dinner on July 27th to raise funds to support those who offer suicide prevention and assistance. Sadly 22 Veterans Commit Suicide every day. As part of this event, beginning July 17th, the Post will display 660 US Flags on our front lawn to bring to our community’s attention the 660 Veterans who commit suicide every month.


Jacubic 572 Commissary:  We know that this has been a very slow process, but we are making strides to reactivate our food distribution. Non-perishable items are always available to those in need. Please contact Commander Pfleaidermahnn in confidence for assistance. Thank you to those who anonymously donated cash to our commissary this month.







Monday – Thursday – Noon – 10:00 PM

 Friday & Saturday – Noon – 11:00 PM

Sunday – Noon – 6:00 PM




July 1st (Monday) - Post Executive Committee Meeting - 7:00 PM

(Meetings are held the first Monday of each month)

July 8th (Monday) – Post General Membership Meeting - 7:00PM

(Meetings are held the second Monday of each month)

July 15th (Monday) - S.A.L. Regular Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

(Meetings are held the third Monday of each month)

July 21st (Sunday) AL Riders Membership Meeting – 1:00 PM

(Meetings are held the third Sunday of each month)


Tickets are available for the “QUEEN OF HEARTS” & “WINNER TAKE ALL” DRAWINGS



                                      Sergeant of the Guard John Rader at 216-470-2579